Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Babu Gogineni Reveals facts about Noted Astrologer Venu Swamy

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Very famous Astrologer Venu Swamy exited from the news channel banter at the midway stage in the wake of declaring , ‘I don’t know Astrology…Don’t Believe What I say!’.
As per the episode has turned into a web sensation on Social Media. Babu Gogineni who made a passage into the Live Debate discovered blame with Astrology . He didn’t favor the expectations and articulations of Venu Swamy .
He even blamed Venu Swamy for picking up reputation utilizing transformed pictures . When I enquire with PMO, The photographs in which prime minister Modi and Venu Swamy were posturing together were discovered to be transformed.
After this got uncovered, Venu Swamy evacuated those phony pictures and undermined Me ,’ he alleged.On the other hand, Venu Swamy blamed Babu Gogineni for being Anti-Hindu.
Though, Babu Gogineni elucidated objecting Astrology doesn’t make an individual against religion. He called attention to even Swami Vivekananda and Dayanand Saraswati opposed it.
Following which, A warmed contention occurred between the two and Venu Swamy organized an exit in the wake of remarking, Whatever I say is going to be outright false…Don’t trust Me…
It’s up to the general population to choose what ought to be accepted and what shouldn’t. Trust whatever Babu Gogineni speaks…Whatever I talk is going to be false’.
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