Monday, April 29, 2024

Youth get BP at an early age

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The youngesters in India are suffering from BP at an early stage. More than 20% of the youth in India gets hyper tension of which 10.8% dies. The PM of India Mr.Modi proudly says,” We have 80 crores youth having 80 crores dreams and 160 crores strong hands.”

As youth work sitting througout the day is the main cause for high BP resulting in early deaths. The average life has concomentently reduced to 4.6%. The doctors say so. Long hyper tension results in brain hemerage – exorted by the doctors. Pressure on the youth working on computers without physical strain results in high BP.

The doctors say that youth having junk food, sittng in AC rooms hours together, smoking, drinking, pollution, using pain killers and medicines by themselves without consulting the doctors – all these lead to life reduction and deaths.

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