Saturday, June 1, 2024

Pandit Nehru’s role in freedom struggle was ignored in M.A. text book

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Amidst a row over references to Nehru were igonored and dropped from the school text book in Rajasthan. The first PM of India has now gone missing from an M.A. text book of Mumbai University questioning the secular credentials of Mahatma Gandhi and Balagangadhar Thilak.

The book titled “The modern Indian political thought ” meant for M.A. course under the Distanace learning programme for the upcomming academic year and is not yet available in market.

The MU ordered an enquiry by an Experts Committee that the views expressed by Prof.Jondhale the writer of the book appear to be objectionable.

Athough there is no mention on Nehru’s contribution to the Freedom struggle and Nation building, several leaders of independence movement find mention in the book. It is stated that Mahatma Gandhi used too many “Hindu idioms and similies” and pushed Mr. Jhinnah to break away from United India to form a seperate country Pakistan.

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